samedi 8 février 2025

What is the PolioPlus Circle? This circle is designed to encourage Rotarians and Rotaractors to contribute a minimum annual amount of 100 € to the PolioPlus Fund until polio is eradicated completely and permanently worldwide. 

Your donation of 100 € becomes 300 € thanks to the contribution of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and helps fund the immunization of 600 children per year! 

In case you want to join in this gesture of mutual aid in view of the upcoming eradication of Polio, and proudly wear the PolioPlus Society pin,  we invite you to make a donation of € 100.- /year to account LU94 0081 7737 4700 1003 of Association Luxembourgeoise des Oeuvres du Rotary with the mention "PolioPlus Society" and your name and the name of your Club. 

A tax exemption certificate will be issued to you

Polio Plus Society for 100 EUR per year